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Eco Apps for Your Smartphone

Whether you’re team Android or Team Apple, what matters is that we all enjoy our smartphones.  Thanks to all the wonderful developers who constantly churn out dozens of variously-purposed apps every day, we’re more connected and updated than ever before,…
September 29, 2012

Let There Be Cold Cathode Lighting…

We’re used to LED being the embodiment of eco-friendliness.  What could be greener than LED lamps with its 80{e3829ec1db02d54faaf9fa2de0d48db26af01d7a7944a63c3b26976124791cab} efficiency and long operational life?  Last Christmas 2011, when Paris’ city officials lit up Champs Elysees with over a million LED…
September 25, 2012

Green Building in the Third World Countries

Green building, for the most part, has been confined to First World nations, and for a good reason.  Highly industrialized countries are owning up to their intensive energy use and massive carbon footprint, and if there’s anyone who should be…
September 18, 2012

Green Celebrations: Throwing an Eco Party.

Your office has green walls and green roofs and bright green spaces.  Yay!  But the greening shouldn’t stop there.  Employees and practically everyone in the office need greening up too, and what better way to instill green attitudes in everyone…
September 10, 2012

The Great FSC SFI Debate: A Primer (PART TWO)

On and off, too, SFI has variously dealt in greenwashing (ad campaigns here, letter of appeals there, more PR’s over there).  And because apparently mere peaceable wooing wasn’t enough, SFI has resorted to launching smear attacks on FSC.  And the…
August 31, 2012

The Great FSC SFI Debate: A Primer

So the war in the woods rages on. For the average folk, this war in the woods might conjure images of those anthropomorphic trees in the Lord of the Rings trilogy—the Ents—the ones that got so enraged because of all…
August 29, 2012

Eco-friendly Paint: Why You Should Paint Green

We’ve had it with toxic paints. Ever since lead got banned from household paints in 1978, we’ve always thought that it’d be a whole lot safer to breathe the air in our homes from then on. Then we caught whiff…
August 23, 2012

China Smart Grid Wises Up On Energy Use

For the next four years, all eyes are on China as it embarks on its most ambitious project to date: the construction of a massive infrastructure meant to wire up the entire country in a smart grid. This radical switch…
August 19, 2012

Notes about Dongtan Eco-city

I first read about Dongtan in Wired magazine back in 2007.  The article, Pop-Up Cities, detailed the ambitious plans for the world’s first eco-city eco-city to be built from scratch on the marshy island of Chongming somewhere in China.  It all…
August 12, 2012